Monday 25 October 2010

Tea Cosy

Recently I have been seeing 'handmade' style, appliquéd tea cosys everywhere and I thought that I would try making one. It was easy enough to make a semi-circle pattern big enough for my tea pot and go from there. They tend to retail at about £30-£40 in smart home-ware shops ('not on the high' also stock them for this amount) which seems somewhat pricey considering that they don't really take too much work to make. Now i have made my first one and have a pattern i think I could make another in about 1 1/2 hours. I still need to perfect the design but its a start.... I may try one with a tea cup design next. A tea cosy would make a nice Christmas present so I will try and make a couple more in time for family members. It all depends now on when our baby arrives and my crafting time gets more limited, which could be any day now!

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